April 09, 2015 Press Release

DSG Introduces Next Generation Technology with the Muller Martini Primera E140 Saddle Binding System


DSG of Lowell, MA introduces Muller Martini Primera E140 saddle binding system.

This first in the world system expands DSG into more complex applications with Variable Data Printing.

The fully automated Primera E140, a next generation saddle stitcher with revolutionary new features that will boost DSG’s ability to be both flexible and scalable in achieving client demand.

The E140 Stitcher has as a digital front end that allows the accepting of sheet fed variable work (and capable of taking a roll as well). This combined with a unique configuration of a quality camera system that is part of every pocket and infeed on the machine guaranteeing the highest quality product.

  • Variable Production - This module enables products with different content or a different page count to be produced in one production run.
  • Variable Bundle - In addition to the Variable-Production and Variable-Imposition modules, this module pre-bundles books selectively

Job preparation is made even more efficient with enhanced Human Machine Interface (HMI) technology engineered into the stitchers, which lead to reduced setup times advanced time to market advantages and lower costs.